
老媽身體健康就是最好的生日禮物,去年底失智還退化到要坐輪椅,什麼事情都不太能自理,幸好有幫助微循環的 bemer 理療儀,讓她漸漸恢復正常,早晨就上頂樓看看花,拔拔草,下樓到佛堂,我就告知拜拜的香不夠用,她就乖乖綁香,還有什麼比這更幸福的呢!

#BEMER 微循環理療儀幫助身體健康





1. 通過改善微循環增加氧氣和能量(ATP)的供應。

2. 通過激活細胞和分子過程,支持身體自身的自我調節機制。

3. 通過改善白血細胞的黏附行為來強化免疫系統,保護身體免受自由基的損害。

Key points approved by the German Regional Court - Legal No: 52O286107

.Scientific studies using BEMER show an improvement in microcirculation as the most significant success factor of PEMF application.

.The BEMER signal is the only impulse whose eff e most significant effects of the BEMER signal on the organism of humans and animals are:

1. Increased supply of oxygen and energy (ATP) through the improvement of microcirculation

2. Support of the body‘s own self-regulatory mechanisms through the activation of cellular and molecular processes.

3. Bolsters the immune system through improved adhesion behavior of white blood cells to protect the body from free radicals.