


Detection of possible therapeutic effects of biorhythm-based physical stimulation in limited or malfunctioning flexible arteriolar wall movement for the therapeutic optimization of recognized preventive, rehabilitation and clinical treatment procedures.

Materials and methods

This randomized blind study was conducted on a nearly homogenous sample of a total number of 28 male rehabilitation patients (based on physiotherapeutic conditioning) aged of 55 to 65 years. The participants were randomly assigned to one of 3 subgroups: control group (n=14): treated using physiotherapeutic conditioning according to standard practice, and treatment group (n=14): treated using physiotherapeutic conditioning according to standard practice + supplementary physical stimulation of the flexible arteriolar wall movement.

The BEMER system is used as a study device to stimulate the flexible arteriolar wall movement

(a biorhythm-based stimulation signal, which is transmitted by a weak electromagnetic field with a specific flux).

The treatment group received supplementary therapy using this device for 2 x 15 minutes per day. The duration of the treatment was 30 days; the duration of measurement was 40 days (10-days follow-up). Measurement points at identical intervals of 5 days (specific measurements with boundary conditions). Non-invasive measurement methods: macrocirculation (RR , Hf), intravital-microscopic examination unit with computer-aided secondary image processing (OLYMPUS, ZEISS, ARRI, and KONTRON systems), vital microscopic reflection spectrometry (SPEX system), combined white light spectroscopy and laser micro-flow measurement (LEA system).

The representative features of the functional status of the microcirculation, and the intracellular and humoral immune response of the subcutaneous and intestinal target tissue were evaluated:

functional status of the flexible arterial wall movement – AVM (area under the curve of the amplitude-frequency spectrum), number of nodes impregnated by blood cells in the microvascular network – nNP, oxygen use on the venule side – ΔpO2, initial lymphatic volume flow – QL, number of leucocytes migrating in a specific tissue volume – nBC/V, ICA M-1 etc. Biometry: WILCOXON rank-sum test (a = 5 %).


During the 40 days of measurements, the following maximum changes in indicators were determined in two partial samples in the intestinal tissue to be accessed using the treatment: After the treatment is completed on Day 30, in the control group these values have returned to baseline by Day 40 unlike in the treatment group.


In addition to physiotherapeutic conditioning according to standard practice, using the BEMER system (physical stimulation of limited flexible arteriolar wall movement) in rehabilitation patients suffering from infection and stress leads to a clear increase in the therapeutic outcome (it improves the supply with nutrients of tissues andpromotes the immune response).




1. 通過改善微循環增加氧氣和能量(ATP)的供應。

2. 通過激活細胞和分子過程,支持身體自身的自我調節機制。

3. 通過改善白血細胞的黏附行為來強化免疫系統,保護身體免受自由基的損害。

Key points approved by the German Regional Court - Legal No: 52O286107

.Scientific studies using BEMER show an improvement in microcirculation as the most significant success factor of PEMF application.

.The BEMER signal is the only impulse whose eff e most significant effects of the BEMER signal on the organism of humans and animals are:

1. Increased supply of oxygen and energy (ATP) through the improvement of microcirculation

2. Support of the body‘s own self-regulatory mechanisms through the activation of cellular and molecular processes.

3. Bolsters the immune system through improved adhesion behavior of white blood cells to protect the body from free radicals.